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… I heard a clarity, neutrality, and lack of harshness in any well recorded music that I’ve never heard before with any cable. The GSC-36 improved the sound to almost live. All instruments whether in Jazz, Classical, or Rock recordings were correct in relative volume, tone, detail, position in sound stage (lateral and depth), and dynamics. Pianos and cymbals in particular, sounded very real. The description of these cables on the Matthew Bond Audio website is 100% correct. The GSC-36 made me aware of the small distortions (excess energy) in the midrange and bass regions and the mild loss of treble energy in the Sigma speaker cables by comparison. Individually small differences but collectively enough to diminish the illusion of a live event. Matthew Bond’s GSC-36 speaker cables are a better value with an incredibly life-like sound quality. They are not leaving my system for a long time and I strongly recommend them (5 out of 5 stars) to anyone wanting to improve the sound of their stereo system.